2024-2025 Tuition
For current tuition rates, please call the school office or request an information packet.
State-funded Tuition Assistance (Florida School Choice)
In June 2023, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed Florida House Bill 1 (HB1) into law, expanding school choice eligibility to include all K-12 students eligible to enroll in a Florida public school. Families can now receive a voucher via an education savings account, or ESA, regardless of household income. For current award amounts, and to apply for your ESA, visit www.stepupforstudents.org.
School-funded Tuition Assistance (Life Changers Christian Academy)
The state’s scholarship program does not cover the full cost of tuition, which is why Life Changers proudly offers more than $500,000 in additional in-house financial assistance to qualifying families each year. When you visit, we’ll explain to you how to apply. Our goal is that money will not stand in the way of qualified families.